I recently attended the 38th Annual Space Symposium (#38SS) last week in Colorado Springs. As our NASA Business Development Market Lead, I attended to explore partnerships, engage with other leaders and service providers in the industry, and enhance situational awareness of national interagency space objectives and technology needs. With a clear connection between our current work and the goal to expand into some of the new and exciting advances coming out of NASA, making connections with people doing this work is a priority for LST.
Another focus was international and domestic policy and strategic investments to further commercial and civil space. From the five-day event, my most notable sessions were: Moon to Mars Strategy Implementation; Establishing a Robust and Commercially Relevant Space Economy; High-speed Dual-use is win-win for public and private interests; Strategic Scientific and Technological Competitiveness; and the Corporate Partnerships Dinner.

Key Takeaways were: Everyone is energized about space – entrepreneurs, our military, space leaders worldwide, executives, and analysts; there is global recognition and appreciation for the realm of the possible and to keep the momentum going. Collectively we are organizing around aerospace current and future capabilities – Efficient services/servicing (Engineering), adequately protecting both spacecraft and humans (S&T/R&D), and AI-enhanced everything (Innovation).
I want to thank JPL Technology Leaders, AWS, ASRC Federal, Dark Star Space, and Redwire for spending extra time on topics of interest, for the hospitality, and especially for the thought leadership. Overall, an outstanding event!

Brandi Quam
Director of Interagency Solutions
Since our inception, we have partnered with the government to deliver services aligned with our customers’ plans, missions, and project goals.