IT Modernization & Service Integration
We Support NAS Safety Through Technology & Advanced Data Solutions
With a deep understanding of the National Airspace System (NAS) Enterprise Architecture and the requirements for modernization, LST develops the policies, processes, and implementation of technologies to support the federal government in executing the latest technical and operational innovations. Our engineering and cloud-based systems application experts use Agile and development methodologies to modernize and ensure a secure network and infrastructure, promoting our customer’s digital transformation goals. We understand that the future of IT management depends on creating dynamic systems that allow for easy adaptation and adjustment to the ever-changing technology.
We establish cloud strategies to innovate, automate, and accelerate the customer’s cloud enterprise infrastructure, platform, and software services. After deployment, we maintain continuous support to ensure security aspects are secure and all Plans of Action and Milestones (POAMs) are resolved. Our National Cloud Integration Service (NCIS) evaluates, integrates, and migrates existing systems into the FAA Cloud Services (FCS). Our subject matter experts provide cloud and security expertise, systems engineering, and testing to help improve efficiencies in operational deployment. As the FAA’s exclusive NCIS support services provider, LST formulates and promotes the strategic vision, assists with engineering and integration, and oversees multiple third-party vendor integrations of FAA programs into the FAA Cloud and the future.

Our systems engineering experts develop solutions to meet enterprise and program goals, paving the way for evolution to a Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA), enabling faster deployment. We create governance, policies, standards, and processes to meet business objectives, ensure interoperability between new solutions, and reconfigure traditional IT assets converted to services. We work with programs and support acquisition, contracting, operations, and maintenance staff to choreograph the technical integration, processes, and deployment approach to services, including cloud services. Our work extends beyond Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) to include Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), architected in an hybrid on-premise/cloud strategy. LST employs state-of-the-art hardware and software acquisition, implementation, configuration, and deployment for systems while optimizing cost and schedule.
We support our customers in evolving traditional IT practices from waterfall-developed monolithic systems to event-driven, cloud-based architectures created using modern toolsets and iterative Agile processes. The transition is accomplished by turning real-time data management into rapid results by creating systems that allow our customers to adapt faster to ever-changing technology. This approach also incorporates certain aspects of the development lifecycle that remain more waterfall in nature. Our ability to support the traditional federal government processes while introducing Agile methods has uniquely positioned LST as a primary resource for the federal government’s journey toward more contemporary IT practices.

As government agencies focus more on a holistic approach to information management, LST works alongside our customers to define a strategic information management approach that can transform their business processes. LST understands the broad spectrum of information needs and recognizes that a set of core information services with standardized data elements built on a scalable service-based architecture can support more effective and efficient operations. We support the federal government and the aviation community in these areas by capturing and defining operational context for data elements across aeronautical, weather, flight, and flow domains, facilitating the tech transfer of information services through analyses and prototypes from NextGen to the Program Office. We provide increasingly sophisticated information products and services for both the Enterprise Information Management (EIM) and the NAS Cloud Integration Service (NCIS), where there is a foundation for modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).